Food For Reduce Pimples - 1 of 2

Very often, the dermatologists as the name implies, overlook and understudy the underpinning importance on how nutrition and hormones can actually affect the growth of pimples on face. Let us start with the spirulina, a most trusted and effective dietary supplement for reducing pimples on face. Spirulina is a freshwater algae and it is very rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It also has abundant of iron and antioxidants.

"Spirulina is a freshwater algae and it is very rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It also has abundant of iron and antioxidants"
Arguably, it also ranked highly as one of the most versatile and wonderful food known to man. Spirulina contains 2 important ingredients which help to reduce and remove pimples on face; an enzyme named as SOD and the GLA. 1) SOD ( Superoxide Dismutase ) A very powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant pimple remover agent. 2) GLA ( Gamma Linolenic ) GLA is a special form of omega 6 that is extremely anti-inflammatory and also very effective because once assimilated into the body it changes into PGE1 and at the same time hamper the growth of PGE2. PGE1 is wanted since it is an anti-inflammatory hormone, whereas PGE2 is the opposite which is pro-inflammatory hormone So, the more PGE1 you have and the less PGE2 you have, signifies less inflammation, and significantly clearer and smoother skin.

In other words, for the sufferer, spirulina helps you by balancing the imbalanced hormone caused by anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory. The price for spirulina doesn’t really burn your pocket and easily available in the pharmacy shops and can be consumed either in the form of powder or tablet. I would reckon that, by taking in tablet form is less forgiving than the powder form, however be expecting to experience some kind of unpleasant fishy smell. The closest that I can explain is that it smells a bit like the fried cuttlefish.

Did You Know? Not only for human, spirulina is also used as food for exotic pet birds and fish. It can increase the avian fertility and beautifying the color of the goldfish and koi.

How To Remove Pimples Scar ( 2 of 2 )

Practically, pimples scars can be removed by 2 methods, by economical atopic treatment and secondly by the physical/surgical procedures that inevitably come with higher price tag:

1) Atopic treatment
Simple DIY ( do it yourself ) that guarantee doesn't burn your pocket, use the form of lotion, gel, ointment or cream that are applied directly to the skin and wait for the results.
2) Physical/surgical procedures
Clinically performed method such as superficial chemical peeling, dermabrasion, non ablative laser techniques, tissue augmentation, laser resurfacing, RF method, punch excision, punch elevation, elliptical excision, subscision, debulking and all the jazz.

Dermabrasion can easily rank top 5 as most
"Dermabrasion can also be used to treat keratoses ( keratosis ), hyperpigmentation and the face wrinkles and surprisingly it is not a new thing"
effective technique for pimple removal. It involves mechanically removing the epidermis and papillary dermis, creating a newly open wound to heal by second intention. Dermabrasion can also be used to treat keratoses ( keratosis ), hyperpigmentation and the face wrinkles and surprisingly it is not a new thing, it fact it was already been used by ancient Egyptians dated back to circa 1500 B.C. Dermabrasion utilize high speed tools with abrasive tip-end such as ultra fine wire brush rotating over 30,000 RPM as to achieve the effect. Your new smoother skin appearance should show after about 4 weeks after this procedure. It is widely belief that the outcome depends very much on the dermatologist, under a skill and experience hands, dermabrasion on the said scar can yield excellent results.

Superficial Chemical Peeling is versatile in dealing with a variety of skin defects not limiting to pimple scar. It is known to be effective for pigmentation scars, boxcar scars, acne/pimple lesions and for removal of dark skin. The chemical penetration is limited to the epidermis and papillary dermis. Expect some burning sensation and skin redness immediately after the peel. Superficial Chemical Peeling as the name implies, use a combination of different acids such as Salicylic and Trichloracetic acid as to name a few for procedure and are widely utilized worldwide in both women and men alike. The major drawback is this treatment requires 5 to 10 sessions, with an interval of about 1 month, so patience is simply the virtue here.

Did You Know? The hypertrophic pimple scar, especially the keloidal type, occur most commonly on the shoulders, back and chest and less dominantly on the face


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