Very often, the dermatologists as the name implies, overlook and understudy the underpinning importance on how nutrition and hormones can actually affect the growth of pimples on face. Let us start with the spirulina, a most trusted and effective dietary supplement for reducing pimples on face. Spirulina is a freshwater algae and it is very rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It also has abundant of iron and antioxidants.
"Spirulina is a freshwater algae and it is very rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. It also has abundant of iron and antioxidants"Arguably, it also ranked highly as one of the most versatile and wonderful food known to man. Spirulina contains 2 important ingredients which help to reduce and remove pimples on face; an enzyme named as SOD and the GLA. 1) SOD ( Superoxide Dismutase ) A very powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant pimple remover agent. 2) GLA ( Gamma Linolenic ) GLA is a special form of omega 6 that is extremely anti-inflammatory and also very effective because once assimilated into the body it changes into PGE1 and at the same time hamper the growth of PGE2. PGE1 is wanted since it is an anti-inflammatory hormone, whereas PGE2 is the opposite which is pro-inflammatory hormone So, the more PGE1 you have and the less PGE2 you have, signifies less inflammation, and significantly clearer and smoother skin.
In other words, for the sufferer, spirulina helps you by balancing the imbalanced hormone caused by anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory.

Did You Know? Not only for human, spirulina is also used as food for exotic pet birds and fish. It can increase the avian fertility and beautifying the color of the goldfish and koi.