It has long been noticed that sunlight has been known to have the tendency to improve the condition for acne pimples on face. However, whether this observation can be proven correctly or not, it always remains skeptical as UV is not friendly to the skin, It’s UVA has ‘progressive’ effect that is damaging to skin in the long run. It just doesn’t sound right when you are stopping the pimples while damaging the skin in return.
" The blue light therapy, known interchangeably as PDT ( Photodynamic Therapy ) was started initially from clinical based procedure only "for acne pimples for severity mild to moderate and it is also clinically proven by the American Academy Of Dermatology for reducing the sign of inflammation on acne pimples and this blue light therapy steadfastly becoming a more popular treatment by choice. This is due to the fact that it has no negative side effects related to drugs, non-invasive procedure, painless, concern over antibiotic resistance and a further need for alternative therapy or even a combination of a few therapies where patients fail to respond to current treatments. It was recently found that some of the visible ultraviolet in sunlight (range: 405nm-420 nm, 1 nano is one billionth of meter ) can actually

This finding led to the invention of concentrated blue light therapy both in-patient at dermatologist’s office and for home DIY hand held LED. The blue light therapy, known interchangeably as PDT ( Photodynamic Therapy ) was started initially from clinical based procedure only, where patients with acne pimples would seek their dermatologist for treatment.
- Image Right - Blue LED Light
Pimples can range, from minor red bumps to serious, cystic acne. After, an actively infected pimple clears up, a purple mark can remain. There are various ways to treat these marks and lessen their visual impact. One simple way is to treat the area, with a warm wash rag, held on the mark for, about five minutes.
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