It has never been straight forward when comes to writing this article on the benefits of Sandalwood powder / oil for removing the acne pimples on face as its medicinal benefits are extremely broad based, rivaling the tea tree oil which is also another healing wonder for acne pimples.
" Sandalwood as you may call it, is now a threatened species and is native to Southern India where approximately 70% of world’s supply is being grown "is native to Southern India where about 70% of world’s supply is being grown.
Sandalwood was widely used in many cultures for the purpose of Ayurvedic medicines, meditation, ceremonies and religious rituals especially in India where they are being used in Hinduism / Buddhism rituals such as the Kodumudi, Karkala, Jagannath and Mahamastakabhisheka. The oil can be harvested from different parts of the tree such as chips, heart wood and sawdust resulting to about 18 grades of Sandalwood oil altogether. The color of the oil varies from pale yellow to clear color.

- Image Right - Sandalwood For Anti Acne
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