Newborn baby may exhibit skin appearance that seems to be abnormal to you. Baby acne ( also called as neonatal or infantile acne ) is one of them and GENERALLY the neonatal acne does not need to be treated. Acne at newborn baby is called the neonatal acne and infantile acne occurs at baby from 2 months to 2 years and above. Other skin appearances include Vernix, Milia, Erthema Toxicum, Mongolian Spots and Cutis Marmorata.
" Milia is very common in babies but also known to appear in adult and it cannot be removed no matter how hard you squeeze or pierce "treatment for this. Cutis Marmorata - Skin that look like bluish / pinkish marble when exposed to the cold. It isn’t serious and when your baby gets older, the situation will improve
Milia - Dome-shaped tiny bumps that look like whiteheads appearing at baby’s face. They will disappear by their own. Milia is very common in babies but also known to appear in adult and it cannot be removed no matter how hard you squeeze or pierce. Best way is to seek dermatologist for removal. Mongolian Spots - Flat birthmarks with brown, blue-black or greyish in color. They are often misunderstood by bruises and normally found at buttocks & lower part and they will fade away when the baby grows older. They are more common in Asian, African and at darken complexion origins.

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