Rosa T Acne Serum / Gel Reviews ( 1/3 )

The Rosa T Acne Serum / Gel is another exclusive pimple remover product from GOE ( Garden Of Eden ) that reduces and prevents pimple and the scars with the help from its 4 main ingredients - Natural Tea Tree Oil, Rose Hip Seed Oil, Grape Seed Oil and Natural Vitamin E.

The Rosa T Acne Serum / Gel is formulated with 100%
"Rose Hip Seed Oil is extracted from the plant Rosa Aff. Rubiginosa ( Rosaceae or Rose family ) grown wild in the high altitudes of the Andean mountains in Chile and Peru, South America"
botanical actives as well as for the entire product range ( 8 altogether ). You will find that all the entire 8 product range by GOE ( inclusive the Rosa T ) also share the same common ingredients, the natural vitamin E and grape seed oil, considered by Garden Of Eden to be important for skin preservation. TEA TREE OIL - Made from the leaves of Melaleuca Alterniforlia tree, is a natural antifungal, antiseptic and anti-bacterial with a broad spectrum healing properties which is effective in preventing and reducing the occurrence of pimple. 10% of Tea Tree Oil is almost as effective as 10% benzoyl peroxide in treating pimple and furthermore it has fewer side effects since it is botanical extracts. Rosa T Acne Serum / Gel good for removing pimples

ROSE HIP SEED OIL - Rose Hip Seed Oil is extracted from the plant Rosa Aff. Rubiginosa ( Rosaceae or Rose family ) grown wild in the high altitudes of the Andean mountains in Chile and Peru, South America. The Rose Hip Seed Oil in the Rosa T Acne Serum / Gel has high levels of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) containing the Oleic, Linolenic and Linoleic acids which are vital to our skin but we are unable to generate them. Therefore, the EFAs need to be supplied to our body externally and both the Linoleic and Linolenic acids are capable in boosting the skin cells regeneration of cells in dermis through the epidermis. This transdermal ‘migration’ acts as a enzymatic for epidermis skin cell renewal which eventually assist in removing pimple scar, wrinkles, keloids, and pigmentation by covering them with new cells.

Did You Know? It takes about one ton of leaves from the tea tree to get 22lbs ( 10kg ) of tea tree oil. Therefore, the manufacuring yield ratio is 100:1

Turmeric Powder for Anti Pimple - 2/2

The turmeric powder from the turmeric plant can be found in the wild forest of South and Southeast Asia and is widely used as a spice in Middle Eastern and South Asian cooking and not surprisingly many of the famous dishes such as nasi kunyit, rendang and lemak were influenced and originated from turmeric apart having the medicinal character of removing pimples on face. Particularly if you are in India, you can’t think about curry without the presence of turmeric.

Where can we find the turmeric powder? It can be found in
" It is also vital to read the ingredients printed on the packet, look for the pure turmeric and not tainted and it should read PURE TURMERIC POWDER at the label "
all Asian grocery stores, available in tablet or in the powder form. It is also vital to read the ingredients printed on the packet, look for the pure turmeric and not tainted and it should read PURE TURMERIC POWDER at the label. You can try making your own paste from turmeric powder and together with the neem leaves which you can apply on your face to remove the pimples. It is a good combination since Neem leaves have the antibacterial properties for reduce and prevent pimples and turmeric on the other hand is an antioxidant and antiseptic. Neem tree is in fact a useful tree that is native to India and is farmed all over the country for its fruits, leaves and bark. Leave the paste Turmeric powder is a good for removing pimplesfor approximately ½ hour and then wash them off with the cold water. You can further make paste of lime juice with turmeric powder and utilize it as a face pack pimple remover every alternate day.

Remember to avoid junk food, eat healthy and drink lots of water as to keep your system clean and thus prevent pimples.

Did You Know? Turmeric power when combined with the sandalwood powder and some water, can greatly reduce the appearance of pimples on face.

Prevent | Avoid Breakouts ( 2/4 )

To continue on the 2nd part of the story on Prevent | Avoid Breakouts.....

• Watch What You Introduce On Your Body
The shampoo and hair conditioner, being the most common products that you often used on your body may accidentally in contact with you face thus blocking skin pores and eventually causing pimple breakouts. On the shampoo side, avoid strong chemicals, fragrances and oily ingredient. Keep short hair and keep away from face as oily hair can spread oil to your face. Also take note on other fragrances or lubricants that you apply on your body as they have the tendency to spread to your face. Keeping an eye on these will help to prevent / avoid breakouts.

• Select Cosmetic Carefully
Try avoiding putting excessive foundation, powder or blush as it is another good way of prevent / avoid pimple breakouts, although nowadays foundation is a must have item for women’s beauty arsenal. If you use makeup, get rid of it at the end of the day and do not sleep with it and also try to select oil-free cosmetics with chemicals free and non-comedogenic. Always consider for water-based cosmetics. Study the ingredients list on the product label before making a decision. If you leave makeup products on your face, it can lead to the tendency of pores clogging and causing for more pimples and blackheads breakouts. There are cases whereby using of cosmetics is of no benefit at all and in this case, it would be better to leave the cosmetics alone.

• Start With Small Amount First
Start with small amount if you happen to use the topical products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as some of them will results in some side effects such as redness or scaling of skin. By this, you would know your skin reactivity to these products.

Strange But True: Pimples give us stress when we are teenagers, but when we are adult, stress gives us pimples

Prevent | Avoid Breakouts ( 1/4 )

The occurrence of pimples is really a major issue to many. Those who do not have issues with pimples on face, Viola! For those who are crying over it, it is not the end of the world as there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel! Here are some of the helpful tips that you can gradually embrace as habits to prevent / avoid pimple breakouts on face . If someone just ask on how to reduce pimple and prevent / avoid breakouts on face, tell them not to be panic too quickly as the answer is not so tough after all, be disciplined and don’t risk your skin just for temporary things.

• Keeping Your Face Clean
One of the great thing to do whether you
" Avoid touching your face as far as practicable or contacting your cheek / chin with your hands "
are having pimple breakoutsor not, it is vital to wash your face gently by daily as to get rid of bacteria, dead skin, and excess oil from skin surface. Always use warm water ( not hot ) with gentle soap. Soaps that are strong and can leave harsh effects on your skin shall be avoided. Use toners and cleansers, provided that they do not have active elements that may detonate your skin or if you are in doubt seek approval from your dermatologist before using. It may be the wrong type of cleansers / soaps that caused the pimple breakouts.

• Treating Your Skin Carefully & Hygienically
Avoid touching your face as far as practicable or contacting your cheek / chin with your hands. Not only these gestures can spread germs, you can also worsen the already inflamed skin. Avoid popping or pricking pimples with your fingers, as it can introduce scarring and infection. If you really need to pop the pimples, do it in a correct and hygienic way. Do not scrub your skin repeatedly with washcloth or exfoliating items. Wash your face gently with soft cloths and always use new cloths as dirty cloths are infused with bacteria. This is one of common areas where people tend to overlook when preventing pimple breakouts on face.

Did You Know? The most common complaints associated with skincare products is the skin rash, ranging from mild irritation to blistering pain and disfiguring

Tea Tree Oil – Thursday Plantation ( 2 )

About the extraordinary character of the tea tree oil as an excellent pimple remover, not all the tea tree oils are equal. Only the oil from the paperbark tree species Melaleuca alternifolia has been extensively researched and scientifically proven for the therapeutic oils.

There are approximately 300 varieties of tea tree trees,
" There are approximately 300 varieties of tea tree trees, but for Thursday Plantation which is located in Ballina, New South Wales, grows the species Melaleuca alternifolia that is indigenous to Australia "
but for Thursday Plantation which is located in Ballina, New South Wales, grows the species Melaleuca alternifolia that is indigenous to Australia. Regarding the tea tree oil in Australia, the main growing area is located at the far north coast of NSW. Smaller quantities are also grown at mid-north coast and as far north of Queensland near to Mareeba. According to Integria Healthcare ( Thursday Plantation’s Holding Company ), it has been scientifically proven that the tea tree oil has a powerful ability to prevent micro-organisms and a minimum concentration of 2% is all that needs to prevent the growth of many types of micro-organisms for reduce pimples on face. The tea tree oil consist of Terpinen-4-ol (germicidal active), which is mainly account for its anti-fungal and anti-bacteria properties. Thursday Plantation with its 100% pure tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and contains minimum of 36% Terpinen-4-ol, which exceeds the minimum of 20% set by the International and also Australian standards. The tea tree oil has also low concentration of para-cymene element as to minimize irritation on skin.

The 100% pure tea tree oil from Thursday Plantation is also known to be a multipurpose remedy apart from reducing pimples on face for a myriad of fungal and bacteria skin ailments such as sunburn, athlete’s foot, insect bites, rashes, dandruff, pimples, oily skin, blisters and other minor irritations and wounds. You can also discover other Thursday Plantation’s products at leading pharmacies and health food stores available in soaps, throat lozenges, haircare products, toothpaste, personal insect repellents, cosmetics, cold sore creams, deodorants, vaginal douches and foot sprays and powders.

Did You Know? Antibiotics are vital in the modern medicine for the treatment against serious infections. However, they have been largely being overused for minor ailments treatments and due to this, many pathogens have now developed resistance against these antibiotics.


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