Cure | Benefit | Review Of Tea Tree Oil - 3 of 4

On the benefits of the tea tree oil, this wonder healer has the following advantages over antibiotics which are normally taken to remove pimples on face. Antibiotics are generally chemically manufactured and are extremely reactive but for the tea tree oil, it isn’t:

• The sad thing is, gradually over time, bacteria can develop resistance against antibiotics and immune system because the antibiotics contain only a few substances. The bacteria
" Gradually over time, bacteria can develop resistance against antibiotics and immune system "
that didn’t die after being attacked by antibiotics, this time will become more potent and harder to kill due to mutation and multiplication. But for the tea tree oil, it is another story, being organic in nature has many complex substances ( 48 known substances ) that can inhibit bacteria and many of the substances can support our own body immune system.

• Aggressive use of the antibiotics can disturb our immune system causing it to weaken and this leads to vicious cycle of increase dosage which eventually accompany by dependency of the pain relievers. When using the tea tree oil or other organic herbs, the effectiveness remains constant and seldom increase.

• Antibiotic side effects that can lead to incompatibility and allergic reactions such as drowsiness such as ( “ Before use, please read the information contained in this bottle carefully......... “). If the correct dosage of tea tree oil is applied correctly, there will be no irritations or side effects.

To summarize this, it is the complex  Melaleuca alternifolia - The Pimple Removerchemical construction of it that makes it a hard time for the tiny bacteria to develop immunity to its therapeutic elements where most standard antiseptics and antibiotics often failed to accomplish and at this point, tea tree oil provides a clear advantage in removing pimples on face.

Did You Know? Pore is a small duct in the skin, sometimes called follicle. At the structure, it will look like a rabbit’s hole in the skin. There are 2 type of pores, the small openings for hair follicles and sweat glands and the other small opening for sebaceous ( oil ) follicles sometimes with hair. It is the blockage to the sebaceous follicles that causes pimples

The New Oxy Solution - Oxy Face Powder

The brand OXY is most frequently associated with teenagers. There is a general belief that pimples give us stress when we are at teens, but when we have grown to adult, it is the stress that gives us pimples.

The oil originated from the hormonal changes which triggers excess sebum causing oily skin is often a problem affecting young adults and hence
" If you are worry about clogging of your pores, rest assured as this Oxy Face Powder is oil free and it can be re-applied again "
it is vital to use the correct face powder. Recently, Oxy introduces its latest product - The Oxy Face Powder, a mineral oil free and formulated specifically for the oily and pimples /acne prone skin. This Oxy Face Powder contains both the oil-control and the anti-pimples properties that help to remove pimples on face as well as suppressing the production of sebum. Any excess sebum will be absorbed through its oil control mechanism for a shine-free complexion that lasts for some periods. If you are worry about clogging of your pores, rest assured as this Oxy Face Powder is oil free and it can be re-applied again as to minimize the shininess when the face oiliness starts to re-appear. Its special formula in the Oxy Face Powder consists of the below main actives :

• Zinc Oxide
Offers the much sought after broad spectrum UV rays protection. This Zinc Oxide can bounce and disperse boththe harmful UVA & UVB rays.
• Triclosan
An anti-bacterial element targeted for preventing pimples and blemishes on face.
• Squalene
A natural compound that assists in keeping the skin soft and Oxy Face Powderhealthy due to its self moisturizing effect and its antioxidant properties in helping to preserve the skin from the harsh environmental onslaught.

Other extra functions offered by the Oxy Face Powder include face toning for the appearance of even skin tone. The Oxy Face Powder comes in elegant colors of Sweetie Honey and Natural Beige and each piece of the Oxy Face Powder weighs 12gram for the powder alone .
    Image Right - Oxy Face Powder

Is Popping / Squeezing Pimple Good? - 2 of 3

Regarding the issue of popping / squeezing for removing face pimple, however, there are a some exceptions to the rule, pimple with a little yellow PUS head in the middle can be gently squeezed, which will ‘POP’ the pimple out like the Christmas candy popper and allow it to heal more quickly.

Whitehead, on the other hand should never be squeezed. If a whitehead is squeezed, the wall of the plugged pore can break and the juice can leak out into the skin, causing a pimple. ( A pimple forms from the rupture of the whitehead pore. ) Blackheads may be squeezed, since they will not result in a pimple. For those who people who prefer DIY and to avoid the dermatologist’s fees, here are some guides. When you are about to squeeze the pimple, follow these instructions:

• Wash your hand and face thoroughly as to prevent slippage and use sterilized needle / pin to puncture the pimples with patience. Sterilize by using alcohol or with flame from cigarette lighter / candle. If you are doing it too quickly and in haste, you might get inflammation and causing new pimples due to spreading of bacteria.

• Apply the pressure from underneath as to force the puss out from the punctured hole and the puss should be remove and drain out completely. When pressing, try not to press to many times as repeatedly pressing will cause skin damage and further swelling and further infection.

• Once after popping / squeezing pimple, one should wash the face and hands immediately.

Did You Know? Never assume that the same procedures and products suitable to teenagers are also suitable for you when you are well over 30. Products that are excellent for women may not work well for men, since their skin is different.

Is Popping / Squeezing Pimple Good? - 1 of 3

There have been never-ending debates whether popping / squeezing pimple on face is a good thing to do. Just because the fashion magazine and the health experts tell us not to squeeze pimple doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.

It is always easier to say than done as saying is the easiest way to do, just blowing of hot air out from the mouth. The fashion magazine and health expert advices are right, ideally it shouldn’t, but it also depends on practical experience and circumstances. Practically, there are times when following the textbook aren’t appropriate and you just need to improvise a little bit . Ask yourself, what would you do when out of a sudden, you are having an big fat ugly and annoying pimple sticking out from you face and you have a date tomorrow or a job interview or a video shooting? In truth, Popping or squeezing face pimple with bare fingers can inhibit healing and lead to scarring and scarring is one of the worst consequences from pimples. Regardless on how you wash your fingers, micro-organisms and bacteria still remain on your fingers and under your nails and the chance of migrating to you face skin is very high.

After popping / squeezing the pimple, the redness will often lingers for a long period, staying red and irritated. For this reason, patients ideally should never squeeze the pimple or whitehead. It is just plain simple, it is like adding salt to the wound, since regular pimple is the result of inflammation, squeezing not being executed in proper can simply worsen the inflammation and cause an infection.

Did You Know? Blackheads are simply open whiteheads. The black color is from melanin and from oxidation of the pore contents

Tea Tree Oil Benefit | Cure | Review - 2 of 4

The tea tree oil has so broad in healing spectrum that apart from reducing and removing pimples on face it can also cure cuts, scratches, burns, sunburn, insect bites, blisters, senile, lesions caused by herpes family, pubic lice, mites, anal & genital pruritus, napkin and cosmetic rashes, boils, pimples, tinea, toenail fungi, throat & mouth conditions and gynecological conditions

Apart from the exhaustible lists for benefit / cure in pharmaceutical used for human and animal,
" The benefits are also seen in industrial grade as floor detergents, HVAC system, disinfectants and fungus killer "
the benefits are also seenin industrial grade as floor detergents, HVAC system, disinfectants and fungus killer. The tea tree oil is a renewable resources, being non-corrosive, non-staining, when dissolved in water maintains a clear properties and these are the reasons why it has gained a strong foothold in department stores and drugstores throughout North America and also gaining strong momentum at other parts of the world.  Tea Tree Oil ( Melaleuca Alternifolia )- Pimple Remover

Where can the tea trees be found? They can be found in Australia, Malaysia, India & Southern Australia. However, only from the swampy and humid part of northern part of NSW, Australia that produces unmatched quality of tree tea oil. Then, which country comes second best after Australia? Simple. The location that can mimic closest to the swampy and humid area of NSW, Australia as all living things in nature are bond to the environment. The soil character, the erosion factor, water PH, temperature, humidity, the surroundings and even the wind factor does play an important part.
    Image Right - Tea Tree Oil Plant ( Melaleuca Alternifolia )

Tea Tree Oil Benefit | Cure | Review - 1 of 4

The tea tree oil naturally occurring pleasant color is either colorless or pale yellow. In the event of discoloration appears, strong odor or odor varies greatly from bottle to bottle, it usually signifies inferior quality during the manufacturing process. This article explains the true potential / benefit of the tea tree oil which offer way beyond the regime of reduce / remove pimples.

The pure tea tree oil, admirable for its pimple remover properties when conforming to the Australia Standard, is actually a powerful antiseptic, anti fungus ( mycotic ) and anti bacteria having the 2 critically
" Variances such as in the manufacturing processes and naturally occurring in crops season to season can affect the effectiveness and quality of the tea tree oil "
important main elements of terpinene-4-ol ( T-4-ol ) and cineole. The oil is also low in toxicity, almost non-irritant and non sensitive to skin. The terpinene-4-ol is germicidal active and believed to play a part in the healing, whereas the cineole provides its antiseptic qualities. Variances such as in the manufacturing processes and naturally occurring in crops season to season can affect the effectiveness and quality of the tea tree oil since all the 48 compounds that have been identified in the tea tree oil work synergistically. The terpinene-4-ol and cineole work pretty much in tandem, an elevated dosage of cineole can cause skin sensitivity and paralyze the terpinene-4-ol effect. Due to this, the Australian Standards Association ( ASA ) has developed a certain criteria to ensure the consistency of the quality in processing of tea tree oil. They have specified  Tea Tree Oil ( Melaleuca alternifolia )- Pimple Removerthat it is mandatory for the quality tea tree oil to have:

• All the 48 known compounds must remain unaltered
• Terpinene-4-ol content must have minimum 30% of the entire solution
• Cineole content to be less than 15%

For an example, the pure tea tree oil from Thursday Plantation, Australia contains no less than 36% terpinene-4-ol and usually, most of the tea tree oils available in the market have between 35% to 45% of terpinene-4-ol and for cineole 5% to 10%.

Did You Know? Current research has scientifically proven that 2% of tea tree oil is sufficient to remove the growth of many types of micro-organisms


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