On the benefits of the tea tree oil, this wonder healer has the following advantages over antibiotics which are normally taken to remove pimples on face. Antibiotics are generally chemically manufactured and are extremely reactive but for the tea tree oil, it isn’t:
• The sad thing is, gradually over time, bacteria can develop resistance against antibiotics and immune system because the antibiotics contain only a few substances. The bacteria" Gradually over time, bacteria can develop resistance against antibiotics and immune system "that didn’t die after being attacked by antibiotics, this time will become more potent and harder to kill due to mutation and multiplication. But for the tea tree oil, it is another story, being organic in nature has many complex substances ( 48 known substances ) that can inhibit bacteria and many of the substances can support our own body immune system.
• Aggressive use of the antibiotics can disturb our immune system causing it to weaken and this leads to vicious cycle of increase dosage which eventually accompany by dependency of the pain relievers. When using the tea tree oil or other organic herbs, the effectiveness remains constant and seldom increase.
• Antibiotic side effects that can lead to incompatibility and allergic reactions such as drowsiness such as ( “ Before use, please read the information contained in this bottle carefully......... “). If the correct dosage of tea tree oil is applied correctly, there will be no irritations or side effects.
To summarize this, it is the complex

Did You Know? Pore is a small duct in the skin, sometimes called follicle. At the structure, it will look like a rabbit’s hole in the skin. There are 2 type of pores, the small openings for hair follicles and sweat glands and the other small opening for sebaceous ( oil ) follicles sometimes with hair. It is the blockage to the sebaceous follicles that causes pimples
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