By the first glance, this acne / zits remover protocol seems to appear in 3 different products and predictably each and every of them will have its own role to play. It Is recommended by Olay to use this Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol 2X daily:
The main purpose is to reduce oil and pores penetration to prevent new zits breakout as you cleanse your skin. First of all, wet your face
" The active ingredients in this Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol include Glycerin, Niacinamide and Salicyclic Acid "and then apply a few drops of this product on your palm. Massage gently mover the entire face but avoid the eye area. Then rinse completely with lukewarm water and then pat to dry. However, cut down the frequency of usage if annoying dryness or peeling effect start to occur.
Step 2: Skin Clearing Treatment – for treatment and prevention
To bring breakouts under control and also to prevent forming in future. Your skin need to be completely cleaned before using this cream. You need to apply this treatment cream to the whole affected area with a lean layer by 1-3 occasions daily. As excessive skin drying may arise during this period, start with one application then slowly increase to 2-3 times daily as and when needed. If dryness or peeling still persists, cut down the application to once a day or apply every alternate day.
Step 3: Clear Complexion Renewing Lotion – for hydrating and renewal

The active ingredients in this Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol include Glycerin, Niacinamide and Salicyclic Acid and this treatment protocol has an acceptable faint medicinal scent.
- Image Right - Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Acne Protocol
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