The lemon juice contains approximately 5% of citric acid ( as known as L-absorbic acid ), the element that gives lemons a sourly taste this L-absorbic acid is commonly found in many anti acne products. The lemon juice is also rich in limonene, pectin, potassium, and vitamin C.
Can drinking lemon juice effectively clear up the acne / zit? Yes, but indirectly. Lemon juice itself has abundant of antioxidants and flavonoids from the vitamin C, therefore drinking it will certainly have good effect on your skin. Lemon" Applying the lemon juice on face will experience a mild stinging sensation for first time users and for those people with sensitive skin, they may encounter irritation, peeling or redness as a result of its acidic qualities "juice can help to boost up the body immune system, cleansing and detoxification and a healthy body immune system will encourage for healthy skin and a healthy skin is less susceptible to acne attack. Drinking lemon juice makes a good alternative for those who are not so keen to apply the lemon juice to their skin. Applying the lemon juice on face will experience a mild stinging sensation for first time users and for those people with sensitive skin, they may encounter irritation, peeling or redness as a result of its acidic qualities. If this happens again, here are some suggestions – 1) the treatment should be stopped for temporary and apply again after some period, 2) apply on alternate days, 3) administer oil-free moisturizer immediately after it or 4) reduce the juice concentration. Another disadvantage is that the juice can make the skin becomes UV sensitive and you may have to use the sunblock / sunscreen whenever going outdoor.

- Image Right - Lemon Juice Is Good For Clearing Acne / Zit
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