Regarding the issue of popping / squeezing for removing face pimple, however, there are a some exceptions to the rule, pimple with a little yellow PUS head in the middle can be gently squeezed, which will ‘POP’ the pimple out like the Christmas candy popper and allow it to heal more quickly.
Whitehead, on the other hand should never be squeezed. If a whitehead is squeezed, the wall of the plugged pore can break and the juice can leak out into the skin, causing a pimple. ( A pimple forms from the rupture of the whitehead pore. ) Blackheads may be squeezed, since they will not result in a pimple. For those who people who prefer DIY and to avoid the dermatologist’s fees, here are some guides. When you are about to squeeze the pimple, follow these instructions:• Wash your hand and face thoroughly as to prevent slippage and use sterilized needle / pin to puncture the pimples with patience. Sterilize by using alcohol or with flame from cigarette lighter / candle. If you are doing it too quickly and in haste, you might get inflammation and causing new pimples due to spreading of bacteria.
• Apply the pressure from underneath as to force the puss out from the punctured hole and the puss should be remove and drain out completely. When pressing, try not to press to many times as repeatedly pressing will cause skin damage and further swelling and further infection.
• Once after popping / squeezing pimple, one should wash the face and hands immediately.
Did You Know? Never assume that the same procedures and products suitable to teenagers are also suitable for you when you are well over 30. Products that are excellent for women may not work well for men, since their skin is different.
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