Cure | Benefit | Review Of Tea Tree Oil - 4 of 4

The natural pimple remover tea tree plant like the rest of its family member is an extremely tough plant, new sprouts can generate very quickly once being cut & removed and it has effective natural protection against attack from insects, fungi, bacteria & viruses. Tea tree also share its roots with its cousin, the eucalyptus tree and in fact the tea tree oil has enjoyed global attention since the 1980s. However, for the discovery of its medicinal benefits, it goes way back to many centuries ago where the native Australia drank teas made from the leaves and applied to treat cut, wounds and various skin problems.

Apart from having strong antiseptic, anti fungus ( mycotic ) & anti bacteria properties, this tea tree oil is also known to accelerate healing, mild analgesic effect
" Anti bacteria is a substance / compound that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria. Antibiotic does the same thing but to be taken internally "
thus making the inflammation and pain more tolerable apart from reducing and removing pimples on face. As a result of this, the tea tree oil is often available for sunburn cream and lotion. A note of caution, the tea tree oil is for external use only and not to be confused with the term ‘ anti bacteria’. Anti bacteria is often used interchangeably / synonymously with the term antibiotic. Anti bacteria is a substance / compound that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria. Antibiotic does the same thing but to be taken internally. Antiseptic also does the same thing of killing bacteria and micro-organisms but on non living things. An example for antiseptic is the floor detergent. No doubt, the tea tree oil stands out among other natural herbs remedies and has proven as the wonder1st aid kit in a bottle.

 Melaleuca alternifolia - The Pimple RemoverYou can read more on on the Immortelle flowers and Gingko Biloba as they are also tough plants and been used for famous cosmetic product:

Gingko Biloba - Garden Of Eden ( GOE )
Emmortelle Flowers - L’Occitane

Did You Know? The antiseptic properties of the tea tree oil is found to be to be about 12 times more than the widely used carbolic acid, another name for phenol.



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